A downloadable game for Windows

This is a Prototype of a Puzzle-Platformer developed by one random student.

You play as a Green Alien whose real name is hard to pronounce, but you Earthlings will know him as Barry.

Barry's job is to stop the Earth from initialising Interstellar War by collecting the Drones that contain a message that the Earthlings would take offense to! Use Barry's ability to change Night to Day and vice versa and notice that some things only appear at certain times of the day!

- Controls -

A = Go Left

D = Go Right

SpaceBar = Jump

Left Click (mouse) = Change Daytime to Night time, or the other way around.

- Disclaimers - 

This Prototype only has two levels - a Tutorial level and one real level. That's because the one student developing this had limited time on his hands. For the same reason, it is not quite as polished as he'd like it to be, so any comments about how the game could be made better are appreciated.

Also, for the same time-pressure-based reasoning as above, this game was only tested with the screen resolution of 1024 x 768. Players are advised not to choose any other screen resolution - preferrably windowed - but are welcome to try anyway.

- Credits -

The game itself and the art assets were done by me - ThePizzaRaptor.

Sound effects and music came from the following sources;

  • “Ethnocentric” font by Typodermic Fonts Inc. on 1001fonts.com.
  • “Carbon” font by Typodermic Fonts Inc. on 1001fonts.com.
  • Weird Alien Talking by gmoney514093 on Freesound.org.
  • Martian Speech.wav by PRIM_ORDial on Freesound.org.
  • Boing Jump [CC-BY, cfork, boing_raw.aif, 7967].flac by qubodup on Freesound.org.
  • Eating a cracker (Mouth closed) by Rudmer_Rotteveel on Freesound.org.
  • Deliciously Sour by Matthew Pablo on OpenGameArt.org.
  • Last Stand in Space by brandon75689 on OpenGameArt.org.
  • Cheerful Upbeat Tune by ViRiX on OpenGameArt.org.
  • ‘burned_village.ogg’ from 42 “Monster RPG 2” Music Tracks by Nooskewl Games on OpenGameArt.org.
  • Try Again by ViRiX on OpenGameArt.org.
  • ‘B’ from Level Finish Fanfares by jobromedia on OpenGameArt.org.


The Plight of the Greens 22 MB

Install instructions

The Unity .exe file is inside a .zip folder also containing a Data folder. DO NOT REMOVE THE DATA FOLDER!

Just extract everything from the .zip and click on the .exe file to run it.

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